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A Gorgeously Laid Back Abode

This house is one of those gorgeously laid back abodes you feel right at home to and one of those house you wish was yours... it has perfect outdoor spaces complete with little nooks here and there for intimate conversations and relaxing contemplation or even for just some quiet time alone to sip some coffee or read a book. And hey, its interiors are not shabby either, the interiors are as charming and as gorgeous as its outdoors, full of white walls which of course by now you know is just my thing. This house also keeps some simple yet lovely furniture and some little decor accents placed perfectly in cozy spots that makes you go Awwww! Many sweet surprises in this house, and both in its indoors and outdoors the laid back feel, cozy atmosphere, and calm ambiance is all around.

I was so busy this week, and looking at this gorgeously laid back and serene abode made me feel a lot better. It has such a calming effect on me, yes... even if these are just in the form of images.

images: AlexandraANGLE


Anonymous said...

Love the second picture so much, i have similar armchair, just it's a real retro piece!

Sush said...

Each photograph has a delightful little surprise for your eyes to find~


Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

So beautiful! I daydream about living in the beautiful homes you post :)

koralee said...

Love this...perfect colours. I adore the sweet kitchen. Just waiting for the painters to come and whitewash my beige! xoxox

lisa signorini said...

soooo cool!!!

New post on my blog!!!!
have a great day!!

Olive Tee said...

Definitely my kinda place!!!

Vær våken said...

It is original and colorful! I like it! I'm glad to be back blogging again. Hope you had a wonderful summer so far!

Love, Kristin

The Dainty Dolls House said...

Beautiful, I love the top one!! xx

fashion and frank said...

This interior screams summer simplicity to me - beautiful - thanks for your comment x

michelle said...

What a beautiful home! I would love to live in a house like this where it is soothing yet fun with different elements placed all over. White walls are so great!

the nyanzi report said...

wonderful interiors.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

The uncluttered, fresh appearance of this house is fabulous. It is full of personality without unnecessary accoutrements of "things." I would love to sit in that little garden!


amy b.s. said...

wow. that first photo just says it all.

Michelle Wan said...

hi there thanks for the comment,follow me if u like :) come back anytime to my blog
many thanks

Olga said...

I always enjoy your finds. I can't see anything like them on any other design websites. Thank you for this selection.

Style Diary Of A Fashion Fanatic said...

Great photos!!!
Thank you so much for the comments on my blog!!! Hope you'll follow!!!! :-)

Madeline said...

These look amazing. I especially love the first picture. I think I could picture myself in a house with a design like this.

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! :)

Nikki said...

I didn't know it was possible, but I think I just fell in love with a fridge!

Marcia B. said...

wow great spaces, good inspiration. Nice blog, i am now following! follow me back? :)

Jess said...

Love all of the white on the interior. So clean and crisp!

Tamra {ever swoon} said...

Beautiful images, they are all so different, but all have a refreshing style to them. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a great weekend. xo

honey my heart said...

i'm suddenly relaxed after viewing all of those photos. it may be time to redecorate my house.

Shell Sherree said...

Lots of lovely relaxing spots here. And that outdoor bathing area is so sweet!

Silvia Negretti said...

All these pics are so lovely and relaxing!
I'd like to stay in a summer house like this!

Magia da Inês said...

˛♫ Olá, amiga!
Passei para uma visitinha...
Bom fim de semana!
É tudo tão lindo!!!
Cheio de alegria e muita paz.
✿♥ ° ·.

J said...

Beautiful! You have great photos here and they are big inspiration for me! :)

If you have time, visit my blog and if you like it, follow me. :) Thanks! :))

Mary Ann Pickett said...

All the white and cleanliness!

Unknown said...

Thanks for your visit to mi blog. Your blog is very interesting, lovely. Kisses.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful interiors, great inspiration! I'm thinking about making a bathroom cabinet like this green one. I just have to figure it out!

Newlymeds said...


Claudia Lane said...

so everything about it

Claudia xo

xy said...

omg! those pictures are gorgeous! i don't know which i enjoyed more! love you blog, very nice and very inspirational! <3

Carolyn´s Photography said...

Is perfect, like a dream...!

: )

Naturally Carol said...

Just the right amount of quirkiness and fun and yet sensitively and elegantly balanced!

very married said...

i would love an outdoor space like the ones shown here. some place to kick back and relax. lovely.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


Your comments were short but poignant. I am very honored that you would say I am ready. So many interesting things happening all at once, and at the END of my summer vacation.....I go back to school in 10 days. But I go in not only with school responsibilities and goals to achieve, but with new and hopeful goals set for my artistic endeavors. HEY! These photos are unbelievable. AND THAT STAINLESS STEEL FRIDGE? That is mine! We just got it last month. Totally wonderful and space-saving while looking Euro-chic!

Have a marvelous day dearest, Anita

thekellytang said...

Gorgeous selections! I love the hanging lights and the hammock! Extremely peaceful and serene indeed!

<3 Kelly

Marianne Junqueira said...

Gorgeous!! Love its details and beautiful colours!!

Have a great week!


Mrs. C said...

Oh my goodness!! Can I save all these images or turn my house into looking like them? Love the white yet also the pops of color!!
Recipes Fashion Marriage

Katarzyna D. said...

birds on wall looks amazing :)
everything is so beautiful!

Andrea said...

lovely pictures <3

Suz said...

very charming comfortable home.

Oh my Dior! said...

great inspiration for decorating!

Josie said...

This is DARLING! It looks like such a pretty, cozy little spot.
xo Josie

Amy said...

How great would it be to bathe in an outdoor tub under a fruit tree? That place was beautiful!!

Alessandra Mazzini said...

Great deco!

Absolutely Mrs. K said...

love the header! Moooi's versatile sofa!! very inspirational blog! interior is my second passion and Moooi is one of my favorite brands

First House on the Right said...

Wow, amazing. The decorating style is so original, just love it! Nicolex

fotofacefashions -fff. said...

for fashion Lovers :
please comment and follow!
Love the blog!
thanks! xxxxx

Paper-Rock-Scissors said...

These pics look so fresh, clean and inviting! I love the lemon tree!
Thank you for visiting my blog and for your lovely comment - I hope your son's show goes well!

Bad Joan said...

These rooms are so so stunning! Would love to live in them all! The first picture is amazing!


Anonymous said...

Such inspiring ways to transform the home. Makes my pad look so boring by comparison.

Lots of love from Sydney,

x Kel

being a backstage diva

Amber Lucas A Mused Blog said...

I MUST know where to find those bird stickers! I loved this post.


Sara SHOEmaker said...

thanks for your comment! :) this house is so lovely and chic-modern I love it. My absolute favorite part is that gold vintage chair with the high arms. and all those cute little eating areas outside make me swoon!

The House of Shoes

Anonymous said...

so beautiful and peaceful, really like this post!

Laynah said...

luxurious yet rustic?! love. it also feels crisp.