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Tabletop Water Fountains to Relax and Relieve Stress

Water fountains are becoming more and more popular these days. Water fountains are not only used to beautify your home, office, garden, patio and other spaces. It became a favorite décor or home accessory because of its many benefits. Water fountains are also known to relieve stress and to give relaxation. The sound of flowing water somehow quiets the mind and gives a peaceful mood in the room or space. The sound of gentle flowing water will give you a calming effect that will relax your mind and body. Water fountains also acts as natural humidifiers and it also improves the air with negative ions reducing the air pollution in a room. You need not have a big space to have a water fountain in your home, tabletop fountains will also give you the benefits of a big fountain. Tabletop fountains may be made from bamboo, copper, ceramics, stainless steel and from other materials. They are not expensive to buy and can be easily made if you are creative. The materials used to create a tabletop water fountain can be easily bought. Aside from the fact that it will add beauty and style to any room or space, you can enjoy the benefits of having a relaxed and calm environment.

fountains from: SerenityHealth


Devonia said...

Ann, every one of these are gorgeous! I've added you to my blog list as a reason the paint dries on my brushes. Thank you for your comment.And yes, that nice fellow made me feel rather special with just two words and I bet he never even realized it...:) My bests, Devonia

Anonymous said...

Those fountains are incredible. I am dreaming about such a thing on my table!