This coastal home in Suffolk, United Kingdom
is not your typical all-white walls
coastal home
nor does it have the colors of the sea
inside but it is relaxing and soothing as well.
It has a certain elegance
and serene vibe to it
and has a mix of texture
and patterns that are lovely.
I love the coffee table as its base
is so natural with glass on top
that softens it a bit and gives extra style.
The pendant lights on the dining table
looks lovely too.
And I adore the different walls
of this coastal home
the playful wallpapers,
the soothing wooden walls,
and even the neutrally painted ones.
I love the space with the stripes couch
and cool chest as coffee table
I can see myself holing in there
for hours reading or napping.
This coastal home is truly
a relaxing and wonderful haven.